Friday, July 3, 2009

Kicking Butt

Happy July 4th to one and all!

I henceforth celebrated Independence Day at 12.15 am in the morning by kicking spectacular butt in Little Fighter 2 Stage 5 Crazy mode!

Firzen, my character, was an absolute demon, I tell you, pure power unleashed. Inspired by Bleach videos and fanfiction and harbouring newfound aspirations of being Espada, I was Fire and Ice incarnated, none could stand against me! I was epic, the maniacal channel of the elements, exploding into Arctic Volcano in their midst and wrecking sheer havoc with the fury of my cannon blasts! All fell back before my might and power! The battlefield was my stage of glory and adrenaline - and the arrival of Julian, stage 5/5, was a welcome challenge!

Julian's soul shields folded like cloth before my spells, and his his soul blasts were weak, ineffectual to my shield of ice. None could withstand the Master of Fire and Ice - I roasted the knights in their own armour and froze the sorcerers in their own robes. Julian's warriors and minions went to their deaths writhing in a cosm of flame and pain.

We were victorious, of course; the remnants of twenty-man army consisted of LouisEX, Bat, Jan, Jack and I, Firzen the Great (of course.)

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